About Us

Welcome to Jai Tec

JAI TEC is a team of qualified and committed engineers dedicated to supplying clients with high-quality sheet metal and heavy fabrication, as well as special purpose machines, at reasonably affordable costs. We take pride in accomplishing complex reverse engineering projects and providing cutting-edge fabrication solutions. We believe in constant improvement, faster production, and cleaner finishing procedures in order to fulfil the high quality standards of our customers.
In addition, we have a state-of-the-art powder coating equipment with an eight-tank chemical preparation system and imported powder sprayers.

Our Highlights



Core Values




Our Mission

We work systematically to integrate corporate responsibility in our core business and make our expertise available for the benefit of the to take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise,societies...
Our Services

What We Achived

Strength & growth comes only through continuous effort.
Must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you sed a complete account of the system expound know how to pursue pleasure .
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Powder Coating
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Product Development

Our Infrastructre

JAITEC’s work area is spread over 40,000sq.ft. and has state of the art facilities like overhead crane, handling equipment, and trucks for transport facilities.
Jai Tec has invested in the best people and the latest equipment in order to achieve the right combination to produce precision sheet metal parts and products.
Jai Tec uses state-of-the-art equipment and the latest programming software to reduce product development time. Project managers, with expansive shop floor experience, run the entire operation from design through programming and fabrication.

Quality service for construction projects and Automative service.